CIS Laboratory

An ICAR and UKAS accredited laboratory using innovative state of the art equipment ensuring milk recorded samples are analysed uniformly extracting a wealth of information. Results help make strategic decisions about individual cows or the whole herd. Find out more... 


CIS Employee Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Liz Brown began her career on 28 June 1971 as a milk recorder for what was the Scottish Milk Marketing Board. Over the 50 years, Liz has worked closely with numerous dairy farms a

23 Jun 2021

Industry Support For New Approach To Johne’s Test Interpretation

Johne’s Action Group see's full support for the new Johne’s Tracker which will provide vets and farmers with a powerful tool for interpreting Johne’s test results.

What is Neospora

Neospora Caninum is a protozoan parasite that is an important infectious cause of weak calves and abortion in cattle.