CIS Laboratory

An ICAR and UKAS accredited laboratory using innovative state of the art equipment ensuring milk recorded samples are analysed uniformly extracting a wealth of information. Results help make strategic decisions about individual cows or the whole herd. Find out more... 


Monitor Herds for Johne’s

Johne’s disease is a chronic, debilitating and irreversible disease of ruminants caused by infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP).

11 Oct 2021

Notice for Scottish Keepers of Cattle

Birth, deaths, and movement records are now being transferred successfully between HUK/CIS web portals and ScotEID into their ScotMoves+ service.

06 Oct 2021

Scottish Cattle Keepers change from BCMS to Scotmoves+

From the 4th of October 2021, all cattle keepers in Scotland are required to notify ScotEID of their cattle births, deaths and movements.

04 Oct 2021

BVD Testing for the All Breeds All Britain Calf Show

All animals attending the ABAB Calf Show need to be BVD Free, contact your Area Manager to arrange testing.