CIS Laboratory

An ICAR and UKAS accredited laboratory using innovative state of the art equipment ensuring milk recorded samples are analysed uniformly extracting a wealth of information. Results help make strategic decisions about individual cows or the whole herd. Find out more... 


Vet Focus: Why fertility is the answer to productivity

With the various challenges the industry has been facing in recent years, everyone has been looking at efficiency and cost-cutting in all aspects of their farm businesses. Ian Cure

Feed Focus: Achieving a successful transition

A successful transition cow system will result in giving the cow the best possible start to what is hopefully a profitable lactation, however significant health and production issu

Farmer Focus: D & B McMiken, Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway

Long standing CIS customers, the McMiken family from Castle Douglas, were winners of the Scottish Dairy Farm of the Year at AgriScot 2019. The Ernespie pedigree Holstein herd is ru