CIS Laboratory

An ICAR and UKAS accredited laboratory using innovative state of the art equipment ensuring milk recorded samples are analysed uniformly extracting a wealth of information. Results help make strategic decisions about individual cows or the whole herd. Find out more... 


09 Aug 2019

CIS Farmer Focus: James Pirie & Sons Ltd, Argyll

Long standing CIS customer and Holstein Trustee, Sandy Pirie, has been milk recording for over 50 years. With his wife Joan and son John they milk 200 cows with 160 followers on t

09 Aug 2019

CIS Farmer Focus: GG Baynes, Northumberland

The countdown is on for Richard Baynes to get his pedigree Dairy Shorthorns and Ayrshires ready for the show ring at UK Dairy Day. The Marleycote herd dates back more than 85 years

08 Aug 2019

Competitive Prices for ARC Cattle Ear Tags

The Approved Registered Cattle (ARC) mark provides traceability of registered cattle to the industry. A selection of ear tags, competitively priced, are available for all dairy bre

08 Aug 2019

Genomics: What you need to know

Genomic testing is available for Holsteins, Jerseys, Ayrshires and Guernseys through our Approved Registered Cattle Scheme which offers competitive rates for tissue tags. By taking